Serve. Eat. Smile!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Health Coach Programs-No short cut!

More than anything I've wanted to be involved in nutrition, health and wellness.  So much so that I've long wondered how I would balance schooling and finances and life with a family.  In my search I came across a website that touted themselves as nutritional health coaches via "Institute for Integrative Nutrition" certification.  When I first read the webpage my first thought was 'great, now I can do this from my own home and don't have to travel anywhere."  My second thought was, 'is this too good to be true.'  And like the true skeptic that I am I did a little more research.  Before I researched, I pressed the little tab that said, "chat."  I asked a few questions, one of which I felt needed to be answered to appease my general need for the 'truth in all things,' kind of search.  I asked them what their accrededation was and whether they accepted financial aid, which to me means they have a connection to a valid resource that verifies their validity.  The person on 'chat' at the time could not give me an answer, but was more than happy to connect me to someone that would work out a payment plan for me and the oh so wonderful cost of $4,995.00 American dollars.  So, back to my little bit of research.  I looked up reviews of this site and low and behold I found an article by Stephen Barrett, M.D., "A Skeptical look at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition."  Google it!  I also found other links also giving equally bad reviews, the word 'scam' is mentioned numerous times in the responses from supposed employees as well. Check out these links:

Doctor Barrett also provided some wonderful links to valid accredited educational facilities. Here:Educational Options in Health and Wellness Careers.  So, take your time to get educated and read up on how you can get a valid and accredited education by going at it the right way.  There is no short cut!

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